Friday, April 26, 2013

Thoughts about gun control.

Gun Control: A hot and controversial topic today.

I believe that we should have gun control in moderation.  We don’t want crazy psychopaths running around with guns killing people, but we also can’t take away guns from everybody because the right to bear arms is one of our constitutional rights.  Guns are highly dangerous and potentially deadly weapons, of course there needs to be some kind of restrictions on them. 
The kind of restrictions that need to be placed should be similar to the Texas concealed handgun training.  You would learn how to use a gun safely, and a background check would be run to see if you’re trustworthy of owning one or not.  This will not catch all of the criminals, but hopefully it will reduce accidents because of the training.   It would be similar to how we do not give the right to vote to everybody. 
On the other hand, we also can’t limit ownership too much.  If we prevent guns from being bought at all, people will protest.  That is a violation of the second amendment rights, the Supreme Court should not let it pass, even if it did get past Congress. 
Unfortunately, sometimes you can’t prevent people that you don’t want to have guns from getting guns.  Sometimes, people will even seem just fine, and yet they still end up being psychopaths.  We have no good way of identifying who is a psychopath.  Even if they are, we don’t know if they will kill somebody or not.  The Connecticut school shooting is a good example of a murderer blending in.  Adam Lanza was able to pass normally and then snapped.  He was reported to be “falling deeper into a bizarre mindset” according to this USA Today article (Adam Lanza's mom was alarmed by his gruesome images).  He had been diagnosed with asperger’s syndrome, and recoiled from human touch.  He was diagnosed with not being entirely normal, but was able to function in society.  Unfortunately, something set him off, and he had access to guns.  


  1. I agree with Alex Bainter that there needs to be some sort of gun control in this country. People are getting too caught up in their party lines and not looking at the big picture. I think that this is a hot topic in the country after recent tragedies and because of this our country might see some changes in our gun laws but it is doubtful. I think that our country would benefit from background checks and gun safety classes. I know that these classes are a requirement in Texas, but I do not know how regulated these gun classes are across the country. There is no need for more tragedies like the Aurora and Sandy Hook shootings. If we had background checks, then the mental illnesses of the people who committed these acts would have been discovered and they would not have been able to hurt anyone. I think that mental illness is the bigger problem than gun control in this country, but it is easier to change the gun control laws than it is to accept and deal with mental problems. Considering how slow government moves and now that the shock of these crimes is over, I do not think that there will be gun control laws in our near future. I think that something needs to happen for the safety of our country, but there is so much resilience I do not think Congress is going to come to an agreement soon.

  2. You gave a good idea on gun control, a very hot topic currently. I think we both have the same and opposite ideas here. Guns are dangerous weapons. However, it still depends on how people are using it for. Like you said, it is good to have other people need to be trained to use guns safely. On the other hand, we have to know that sometimes people are out of their controls, they can lose their minds and do crazy stuff. This thing leads to the control on gun ownership. People can protest or can ignore that we need to eliminate or reduce the numbers of people can own guns. But as time goes by, what if so many innocent people are dead like what happened in Connecticut? They would think they had been wrong. Compared to other countries that do not allow people to have guns, we can see a different story. People need to know why the U.S government has let them having guns for, not to kill people but to protect themselves. The best thing the government should do now is having gun training courses for those before they really can have a gun. And they also have physically and mentally check on each of those.
