Thursday, February 21, 2013

This is a good article from the Austin American Statesman about the dangers to the middle class, showing how jobs have become increasingly unimportant.  Because the corporations are no longer focusing on a specific function and becoming conglomerates, they are becoming less and less efficient.  They are paying people to do busywork.  This article is a good encompassment of how the corporation setting is degrading the American economy.  It points out how the liberals and the conservatives do not agree on a way to fix the economy and so nothing will get done.  There were several unintentional consequences to laws that were passed, like the creation of suburbia from the interstate laws.  This created easy housing for the middle class, who were doing the busywork that doesn’t need to be done.  This article says that the U.S. is losing its power in the global economy because we rely so much on corporations.  Some say the rich should give to the middle class, creating more consumers, but it would threaten the amount of investment later.  Others say that a free market is the way to go, but that doesn’t guarantee how wealth is distributed.  The corporations have stopped guaranteeing that people will have job security, because so many jobs are being automated.  A lot of things, we just don’t need a human for anymore, but this also cuts down on the quality of the work.  I think that as long as people have the means to survive, there should be meaningful work for people to make suffecient income.  

Thursday, February 7, 2013

This BBC article is worth reading because it demonstrates how much our society is moving forward in regard to Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) rights. It demonstrates that even the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) are realizing that “the times they are a changing.” Given the laws passed in several states the trends seem to show that more and more of the general populace does not care whether or not people are homosexual, so the BSA are voting on allowing gays into the program. Personally, I believe that they should have the same rights as everybody else. If some men prefer males over females does not affect anybody’s lives except their own. I especially approve of the BSA voting on this issue. When I was little, my mom didn’t sign me up for the Boy Scouts because of their views on gays. If it does get passed, I’m sure that it will open it up to a lot of people who would otherwise not have joined it.