Thursday, February 7, 2013

This BBC article is worth reading because it demonstrates how much our society is moving forward in regard to Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) rights. It demonstrates that even the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) are realizing that “the times they are a changing.” Given the laws passed in several states the trends seem to show that more and more of the general populace does not care whether or not people are homosexual, so the BSA are voting on allowing gays into the program. Personally, I believe that they should have the same rights as everybody else. If some men prefer males over females does not affect anybody’s lives except their own. I especially approve of the BSA voting on this issue. When I was little, my mom didn’t sign me up for the Boy Scouts because of their views on gays. If it does get passed, I’m sure that it will open it up to a lot of people who would otherwise not have joined it.

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